夏雪片莲 Leucojum aestivum
- Scientific Name: Leucojum aestivum L.
- Ref: Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 2:975. 1759
- Synonyms: Leucojum hernandezii Cambess.; L. pulchellum Salisb.; Nivaria aestivalis Moench; N. monadelphia Medik.; Polyanthemum aestivale (Moench) Bubani
- English Common Name: summer snowflake, Loddon lily
- Chinese Common Name: 夏雪片莲 xià xuěpiànlián
- Japanese Common Name: オオマツユキソウ [大待雪草] ōmatsuyukisō, スノーフレーク (snowflake) sunōfurēku
- Family: Amaryllidaceae
- Genus: Leucojum
- Distribution: native to most of Europe from Spain and Ireland to Ukraine, with the exception of Scandinavia, Russia, Belarus and the Baltic Republics
Habit: Perennial herb, bulb 25--45 mm. Stem: (15)30--60 cm, stout, hollow. Inflorescence: 2--5(7)-flowered; bracts 2, free or fused along 1 side. Flower: perianth parts white, each with a green spot below thickened tip; stamens free, stigma unlobed. Ecology: Garden escape in urban areas, persisting at old homesteads; Elevation: < 500 m. Flowering Time: Dec--Jun (Jepson eFlora)