- Scientific Name: Ormosia henryi Prain
- Ref: J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 69: 180. 1900.
- Chinese Common Name: 花榈木 huā lǘ mù
- Family: Fabaceae
- Genus: Ormosia
- Distribution: Mountain slopes, streamsides in mixed forests; 100-1300 m. Anhui, Guangdong, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, SE Yunnan, Zhejiang.
Trees evergreen, to 16 m, to 40 cm d.b.h. Bark of stems grayish green, smooth, shallowly striate. Branchlets, rachis, and inflorescence densely appressed tawny tomentose. Leaves imparipinnate, 13-32.5(-35) cm; leaflets (3-)5-7; petiolule 3-6 mm; blades elliptic or oblong-elliptic, 4.3-13.5(-17) × 2.3-6.8 cm, leathery, abaxial surface and petiole densely appressed yellowish brown tomentose, adaxial surface dark green and glabrous, base rounded or broadly cuneate, sometimes slightly cordate, margin slightly repand, apex broadly rounded or acute, blunt or mucronate; lateral veins 6-11 pairs, angled 45° with midvein. Panicles terminal, or racemes axillary, (8-)11-17 cm, densely appressed brownish tomentose. Flowers ca. 2 × 2 cm; pedicel 7-12 mm. Calyx campanulate, 5.5-6 mm; teeth ca. 2/3 length of calyx, triangular-ovate, densely appressed brownish tomentose on both surfaces. Corolla greenish white, darker at center, margin green and slightly purplish; standard suborbicular, apex rounded or retuse, claw thickened; wings purplish green, obovate-oblong, ca. 1.4 × 1 cm, claw ca. 3 mm; keel obovate-oblong, ca. 1.6 × 0.7 cm, claw ca. 3.5 mm. Stamens free, 1.3-2.5 cm, unequal; filaments light green; anthers light grayish purple. Ovary flattened, densely appressed brownish villous along suture, otherwise glabrous; ovules 9 or 10; style filiform; stigma oblique. Legumes compressed, oblong, 5-12 × 1.5-4 cm, apex beaked, stipe ca. 5 mm; valves purplish brown, 2-3 mm thick, leathery, glabrous, internally septate. Seeds (1-)4-8, red-brown to scarlet, ellipsoid or ovoid, 0.8-1.5 cm, glossy; hilum ca. 3 mm. Fl. Jul-Aug, fr. Oct-Nov. (Flora of China)