- Scientific Name: Nymphoides crenata (F.Muell.) Kuntze
- Ref: Revis. Gen. Pl. 2:429, 1891
- Synonyms: Limnanthemum crenatum F.Muell.; Villarsia crenata (F.Muell.) F.Muell.
- English Common Name: wavy marshwort
- Chinese Common Name: 圆齿莕菜 yuánchǐ xìngcài
- Japanese Common Name: アメリカアサザ [アメリカ荇菜/アメリカ阿佐佐] amerikaasaza
- Family: Menyanthaceae
- Genus: Nymphoides
- Distribution: Australia – South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Queensland, Northern Territory
- Photo: 08/30/2019, Hangzhou Botanical Garden, Zhejiang
- Note: The Japanese common name “アメリカ” only means it is an introduced species, it is originally from Australia instead of America.
Perennial; stems to 3 m long, floating, stoloniferous. Petioles of basal leaves 8–42 cm long; blades broad-ovate to c. circular, crenate to crenate-dentate, deeply cordate, 3–13(–15) cm long; blades of stem leaves smaller, sometimes reniform to c. deltoid. Flowers heterostylous, 8–14 in a cluster subtended by 1–4 stem leaves or rarely in spaced pairs along a short inflorescence; calyx 5.5–10(–16) mm long; corolla 20–40(–50) mm diam., lobes (4–)5(–6), with broad laciniate wings and keel; stigmas mostly (2–)5, each with a vertical papillate wing decurrent on the style, the decurrent portions forming persistent stylar ridges. Capsule (4–)6–9 mm long, usually much shorter than calyx; seeds ellipsoid, strongly laterally compressed, (0.5–)0.6–0.9 mm long, pale brown, usually smooth, sometimes granular around edges; caruncle absent; minute hard projection present beside attachment point. Flowers mostly Sep.–May, fruits Nov.–Mar. (Flora of Victoria)