- Scientific Name: Veratrum dahuricum (Turcz.) O.Loes.
- Ref: Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 68:134, 1926
- Synonym: Veratrum album var. dahuricum Turcz.
- English Common Name: Dahurian Falsehellebore
- Chinese Common Name: 兴安藜芦 Xìng’ān lílú
- Family: Melanthiaceae
- Genus: Veratrum
- Distribution: Meadows, moist grassy slopes; near sea level to 500 m. Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, ?Nei Mongol [Korea, Russia].
- Photo: 07/16/2008, Mt. Changbai, Jilin
Plants 70--150 cm tall, basally with dense, non-reticulate fibers formed from disintegrated sheaths. Leaves cauline, sessile, basally clasping; leaf blade elliptic or ovate-elliptic, 13--23 × 5--11 cm, abaxially densely silvery pubescent, apex acuminate. Panicle ± fusiform, 20--60 cm, many flowered; lateral branches subequaling terminal raceme, basal one usually with branchlets; rachis densely white pubescent-woolly; bracts ovate-lanceolate, pubescent marginally and abaxially. Pedicel ca. 2 mm. Tepals yellowish green, with white margin, elliptic or ovate-elliptic, 0.8--1.2 cm × 3--4 mm, abaxially pubescent, base clawed, margin erose. Stamens 4--6 mm. Ovary ovoid, densely pubescent. Fl. Jun--Aug. (Flora of China)
07/16/2008, Mt. Changbai, Jilin