- Scientific Name: Syzygium myrsinifolium (Hance) Merr. & L.M.Perry
- Ref: J. Arnold Arbor. 19:226. 1938
- Chinese Common Name: 竹叶蒲桃 zhúyè pútáo, 铁仔蒲桃 tiězǎi pútáo
- Family: Myrtaceae
- Genus: Syzygium
- Distribution: Slopes, streamsides; low to middle elevations. Hainan, Yunnan.
- Photo: 06/21/2009, South China Botanical Garden, Guangdong
Shrubs or trees, to 6 m tall, d.b.h. to 20 cm. Branchlets grayish brown when dry, terete; old branches gray. Petiole 5-7 mm; leaf blade linear-lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate, 8-12 × 1.5-2.5(-3) cm, leathery, abaxially pale brown when dry, adaxially blackish brown and slightly glossy when dry, adaxially with numerous glands, secondary veins numerous, ca. 1.5 mm apart, at an angle of 40°-45° from midvein, abaxially raised, and adaxially inconspicuous, intramarginal veins very close to margin, base cuneate, apex acuminate and with an obtuse acumen or slightly acute. Inflorescences terminal, paniculate cymes, 4-7 cm, many flowered; peduncle with numerous mammilla or squarrose trichomes. Flower buds obovoid, ca. 5 mm. Hypanthium narrowly obconic, 4-7 mm. Calyx lobes 4 or 5, wavy. Petals coherent. Stamens 4-9 mm. Style 0.6-1.4 cm. Fruit purplish red to black, ellipsoid, 1-1.4 cm, with a shallowly cup-shaped calyx limbs at apical part. Fl. Dec-May, fr. Jun-Jul or Nov-Dec. (Flora of China)