秤锤树 Sinojackia xylocarpa
- Scientific Name: Sinojackia xylocarpa Hu
- Ref: Contr. Biol. Lab. Chin. Assoc. Advancem. Sci., Sect. Bot. 4(1):1. 1928
- Chinese Common Name: 秤锤树 chèngchuíshù
- Family: Styracaceae
- Genus: Sinojackia
- Distribution: Forest edges; 500–800 m. Jiangsu.
Trees to 7 m tall. Trunk to 10 cm d.b.h. Branchlets densely gray-brown stellate pubescent. Petiole ca. 5 mm; leaves of 2 types; leaves at base of flower bearing branches with blade ovate, 2--5 X 1.5--2 cm, base rounded to slightly cordate; other leaves with blade obovate to elliptic, 3--9 X 2--5 cm, base cuneate to subrounded; all blades glabrous or sparsely stellate pubescent, margin serrate, apex acute, veins 5--7 pairs. Inflorescences 3--5-flowered, 3--5 cm. Pedicel ca. 5 cm. Flowers pendulous. Calyx tube ca. 4 mm, densely stellate pubescent; teeth 5--7, lanceolate. Corolla lobes oblong-elliptic, 8--12 X ca. 6 mm, apex obtuse. Filaments ca. 4 mm, sparsely stellate pubescent. Style ca. 8 mm. Fruit ovoid including a conical rostrum, 1.8--2 X 0.8--1.5 cm, exocarp ca. 1 mm thick, mesocarp 3--3.5 mm thick. Seeds dark brown, cylindrical-linear, ca. 1 cm. Fl. Mar-Apr, fr. Jul-Sep. (Flora of China)