- Scientific Name: Scrophularia jinii P. Li
- Ref: Phytotaxa 350 (1): 4. 2018
- Chinese Common Name: 大齿玄参
- Family: Scrophulariaceae
- Genus: Scrophularia
- Distribution: western Hubei
- Type: Hubei Province: Shennongjia Forestry District (神农架林区), Songbai Town (松柏镇), Honghuaduo Village (红花朵村), Shicaogou (石槽沟), 1673 m, 8 August 2015, Fl. & Fr., Pan Li LP150472 (holotype HZU60133160!, isotype CSH, HIB, HZU, KUN, PE)
- Note: named this species Scrophularia jinii to honor one of the co-authors, Xinjie Jin, who infected with acute nephritis and got life in danger during the fieldtrip to collect this species in the mountainous area of West Hubei
Perennials, 35–150 cm tall. Roots slender, slightly thickened and fleshy. Stems quadrangular, hollow, white pilose.Leaves opposite; petiole to 0.3–5.2 cm; leaf blade deltoid or broadly ovate, 1–7.5 cm long and 0.7–6.5 cm wide, adaxially puberulent in juvenile leaf and hairless in mature leaves, abaxially hairy in main veins, ciliate at margin, base shallowly cordate, cordate-truncate, or rounded, margin deeply double serrate, 3–7 big teeth on each side, apex acuminate. Thyrses terminal in small plants, but large and spreading, both terminal and axillary in big plants, 15–60 cm; cymes terminal and axillary, 1–7 flowered, the lowest one dichasial; peduncle slender, 0.4–2.5 cm. Pedicel slender,0.6–2.1 cm, glandular pilose; bracts large, foliaceous, bractlets 5–7 mm long and 1–7 mm wide. Calyx lobes ovate to orbicular-ovate, 0.9–3 mm long and 0.7–2.5 mm wide, apex obtuse, margin narrowly membranous. Corolla dark purple-red, 7–9 mm; tube ovoid-globose; upper lip 1.1–3 mm, two lobes with overlapping margins, lower lip lobes rounded, 1–1.5 mm, middle lobe 1–2.5 mm, smaller than other lobes. Stamens shorter than lower lip; staminode flabellate. Ovary shorter than style. Style 3.9–4.2 mm. Capsule ovoid, coriaceous, 5–7 mm long and 4.5–6 mm wide. Seed alveolate, blackish-brown, obovoid, oblong to ellipsoid, 0.8–0.9 mm long and 0.4–0.5 mm wide. Fl. Jul.–Sep., Fr. Aug.–Oct.