- Scientific Name: Petasites rubellus (J.F.Gmel.) Toman
- Ref: Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 7(4):391. 1972
- Synonyms: Nardosmia saxatilis Turcz., Petasites saxatilis Kom., Tussilago rubella J.F.Gmel.
- English Common Name: pale red butterbur
- Chinese Common Name: 长白蜂斗菜 Chángbái fēngdòu∙cài, 长白蜂斗叶 Chángbái fēngdòu∙yè
- Family: Asteraceae
- Genus: Petasites
- Distribution: Alpine regions, adjacent forests, forest margins; 1800-2800 m. Jilin (Changbai Shan), Liaoning [Korea, Mongolia, Russia (Far East, Siberia)].
- Photo: 07/16/2008, Mt. Changbai, Jilin
Rhizomes repent, thin, with fibrous roots. Stem solitary, erect, 5-25 cm tall, simple, arachnoid in upper part. Basal leaves small, long petiolate; petiole 3-10 cm, densely crisped-pubescent, base slightly expanded; blade abaxially pale green, adaxially green, reniform or reniform-cordate, 3-5.5 × (4-)5-9 cm, thickly papery, with short, thick hairs on petiole and especially on veins abaxially, base slightly cordate, margin acutely toothed, teeth emarginate, apex rounded. Stem leaves scale-shaped, ovate-lanceolate, 1.5-2 × 0.5-1 cm, glabrous, shortly white ciliate on margin, parallel veined, basally amplexicaul, apically obtuse or slightly acute. Capitula 6-9, arranged in corymbs; peduncles 1-4(-6) cm, slender, with linear bractlets. Involucres conical, 8-10 × 5-10 mm; phyllaries biseriate, subequal, narrowly oblong, 1-1.5 mm wide, glabrous or nearly so, apically obtuse. Male florets few, sterile; corolla yellow, ca. 9 mm; tube 3.5-4 mm; limb campanulate, 5-denticulate, lobes ovate-oblong; style basally 2-fid, stigma branches clavate, apex acute, puberulent. Female florets white, 6-7 mm, shortly radiate, apically 2- or 3-denticulate. Achenes oblong, 3-3.5 mm, truncate, constricted at bases. Pappus of many fine bristles, white, 9-11 mm. Fl. and fr. May-Jul. (Flora of China)