- Scientific Name: Odontostemma fimbriatum (Mattf.) Rabeler & W.L.Wagner
- Ref: PhytoKeys 63:83. 2016
- Synonym: Arenaria fimbriata (E. Pritz.) Mattf., Cerastium fimbriatum E. Pritz.
- Chinese Common Name: 䍁瓣无心菜 suìbàn wúxīncài, 䍁瓣蚤缀 suìbàn zǎozhuì
- Family: Caryophyllaceae
- Genus: Odontostemma
- Distribution: Forests, mountain grasslands; 3000–4000 m. SE Gansu, Shaanxi.
- Photo: 07/14/2009, Mt. Taibai, Qinling
Herbs. Roots spinose. Stems simple or sometimes branched at base, often violet, 10--25 cm, white villous or black glandular lanate. Proximal cauline leaves shortly petiolate; leaf blade narrowly elliptic, slightly fleshy. Distal cauline leaf blade orbicular-lanceolate or orbicular-elliptic, 0.8--2 cm × 2--7 mm, slightly fleshy, sparsely white villous, base cuneate, apex acute. Cymes 3--5-flowered; bracts herbaceous. Pedicel 1.5--4.5 cm, villous or glandular hairy. Sepals 5, white, lanceolate, 5--7 mm, villous or glandular hairy, margin narrowly membranous, apex excurved, acute. Petals 5, white, obovate-elliptic, ca. 2 × as long as sepals, apex fimbriate toothed. Stamens 10; filaments ca. 6 mm; anthers yellow. Ovary ovoid; ovules numerous. Styles 2, linear. Capsule equaling or longer than persistent sepals, apex 4-toothed. Seeds brown, depressed triangular-globose, ca. 2 mm, smooth or with curls. Fl. Jul--Aug. (Flora of China)