黄山梅 Kirengeshoma palmata
- Scientific Name: Kirengeshoma palmata Yatabe
- Ref: Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 4:1, t.18. 1890
- Synonym: Kirengeshoma koreana Nakai
- English Common Name: yellow wax bells
- Chinese Common Name: 黄山梅 Huáng Shān méi
- Japanese Common Name: キレンゲショウマ [黄蓮華升麻] kirengeshōma
- Family: Hydrangeaceae
- Genus: Kirengeshoma
- Distribution: Moist forests in valleys; 700-1800 m. S Anhui (Huang Shan), NW Zhejiang (Tianmu Shan) [Japan].
- Photo: 08/14/2010, Qingliang Peak, Zhejiang
Herbs 0.8-1.2 m tall. Stems purplish. Petiole 1-25 cm; leaf blade near base of stem orbicular, 10-20 × 10-20 cm, palmately veined, base cordate, margin 3-10-lobed; leaf blade near apex of stem ovate to lanceolate, 3-7 × 3-7 cm, white appressed hairy on both surfaces, base subcordate, margin slightly lobed, apex acuminate. Inflorescences (1-)3-flowered. Flowers at center of inflorescence largest, ebracteolate; lateral flowers with a linear bracteole; pedicel 1-3(-4) cm. Calyx tube hemispheric, 7-10 mm in diam.; lobes deltoid. Petals 5, yellow, irregularly oblong-obovate to subovate, 2.5-3.5 × 10-15 mm. Outer series of stamens equaling petals; inner series shorter. Style ca. 2 cm. Capsule broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, ca. 1.3 cm in diam., smooth; style persistent. Seeds pale yellow, 7-10 × 3-5 mm. Fl. Apr-Mar, fr. May-Aug. (Flora of China)

08/14/2010, Qingliang Peak, Zhejiang