匙羹藤 Gymnema sylvestre
- Scientific Name: Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) R.Br. ex Sm.
- Ref: Cycl. [A. Rees], (London ed.) 17 (1): n. 4. 1811
- Synonyms:
- Apocynum alterniflorum Lour.
- Asclepias geminata Roxb.
- Conocalpis umbellata Bojer ex Decne.
- Cynanchum senegalense Sieber ex Decne.
- C. subvolubile Schumach. & Thonn.
- Gymnema affine Decne.
- G. alterniflorum (Lour.) Merr.
- G. formosanum Schltr.
- G. humile Decne.
- G. melicida Edgew.
- G. mkenii Harv.
- G. parvifolium Wall.
- G. rufescens Decne.
- G. subvolubile (Schumach. & Thonn.) Decne.
- Marsdenia sylvestris (Retz.) P.I.Forst.
- Periploca sylvestris Retz.
- P. tenuifolia Humb. & Bonpl. ex Schult.
- Strophanthus alterniflorus (Lour.) Spreng.
- English Common Name: gurmar, small Indian ipecac
- Chinese Common Name: 匙羹藤 chígēng∙téng, 狗屎藤 gǒushǐ∙téng, 羊角藤 yángjiǎo∙téng, 金刚藤 jīngāng∙téng, 蛇天角 shé∙tiānjiǎo, 饭杓藤 fànsháo∙téng, 小羊角扭 xiǎo yángjiǎo∙niǔ, 武靴藤 wǔxuē∙téng, 乌鸦藤 wūyā∙téng
- Japanese Common Name: ホウライアオカズラ [蓬萊青葛/蓬萊青蔓] hōraiaokazura
- Family: Apocynaceae
- Genus: Gymnema
- Distribution: Open woods, bushland; 100-1000 m. Fujian, Guangxi, Hainan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [India, Indonesia, Japan (Ryukyu Islands), Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam; Africa]
- Photo: 09/13/2014, Is. Nanji, Zhejiang
Stems to 8 m, sparsely lenticellate; young branchlets pubescent, glabrescent. Petiole 3-12 mm; leaf blade obovate to ovate, 3-8.5 × 1.5-5.5 cm, thick papery, adaxially pubescent to glabrous except for groove of midvein, abaxially tomentose to glabrous except for veins; lateral veins 4 or 5 pairs, convergent. Cymes much shorter than leaves, pubescent; peduncle 2-5 mm, rachis with close-spaced spiral of pedicel scars. Sepals ovate, ciliate. Corolla greenish white; lobes ovate, glabrous; appendages exserted. Stigma head exserted. Follicles mostly solitary, broadly lanceolate in outline, 5-9 × ca. 2 cm, glabrous, beak acuminate. Seeds ovate, ca. 8 × 4 mm; coma silky white, ca. 3.5 cm. Fl. Apr-Nov, fr. Sep-Dec. 2n = 22. (Flora of China)

09/13/2014, Is. Nanji, Zhejiang