- Scientific Name: Clematis dilatata C.Pei
- Ref: Contr. Biol. Lab. Chin. Assoc. Advancem. Sci., Sect. Bot. 10:105. 1936
- Chinese Common Name: 舟柄铁线莲 zhōubǐng tiěxiàn∙lián
- Family: Ranunculaceae
- Genus: Clematis
- Distribution: Forests, along streams in ravines; 300–800 m. C to S Zhejiang.
- Photo: 05/08/2016, Lishui, Zhejiang
Vines woody. Branches shallowly 10-grooved, puberulous, glabrescent. Leaves pinnate or 2-pinnate; petiole 6.5--10 cm, basally usually widened and connate to opposite petiole, puberulous, glabrescent; leaflet blades narrowly ovate, ovate, ovate-orbicular, or oblong-lanceolate, 3--10 × 1.5--5.2 cm, subleathery, both surfaces glabrous and conspicuously reticulate, abaxially glaucous, base rounded to subcordate, margin entire, apex acute to obtuse; basal veins ± prominent on both surfaces. Cymes axillary or terminal, 7--13-flowered; peduncle 3--8 cm, puberulous; bracts linear to subulate, 7--10 mm. Flowers 3.4--5.5 cm in diam. Pedicel 2--5 cm, densely puberulous. Sepals 5 or 6(or 7), white tinged pink, spreading, obovate-lanceolate to oblong, 1.8--3.5 × 0.5--1 cm, abaxially velutinous to puberulous, adaxially puberulous, margin abaxially velutinous, apex acute. Stamens 0.9--1.4 cm, glabrous; anthers narrowly oblong, 3.5--4 mm, apex minutely apiculate. Ovaries puberulous. Style ca. 1.1 cm, densely villous. Achenes narrowly ovate, ca. 5 × 2 mm, appressed pubescent; persistent style ca. 3 cm, plumose. Fl. May, fr. Jun--Jul. (Flora of China)