- Scientific Name: Ceropegia denticulata K.Schum.
- Ref: Engl. Pfl. Ost-Afr. C. 327, t. 40, F. —K. Schum. in Engl. & Prantl, Pflanzenfam. iv. ii. 272, fig. 81A.
- Family: Asclepiadaceae
- Genus: Ceropegia
- Distribution: German East Africa Mozamb. Dist. Silai, Holst, 3583.
- Photo: 11/18/2018, Chenshan Botanical Garden, Shanghai
Stem twining, glabrous. Leaves subsessile or shortly petiolate, 1 1/3 in. long, 7–8 lin. broad, fleshy, ovate or subrhomboidal, acute at both ends, denticulate at the apex. Peduncle moderately long, 2-flowered; bracts, bracteoles and sepals filiform-subulate. Corolla about 20 lin. long, whitish, spotted with fuscous, glabrous outside; tube 15 lin. long, moderately inflated in the lower part; mouth dilated, broadly funnel-shaped, 9–10 lin. in diam., ciliate; lobes 5 lin. long, linear, erect, connate at the tips, pubescent, ciliate with long vibratile clavate hairs.(Flora of Tropical Africa, Vol 4, Part 1, page 231, 1904 )