- Scientific Name: Vitex trifolia subsp. litoralis Steenis
- Ref: Blumea 8:516. 1957
- Synonyms:
- Vitex ovata Thunb.
- V. repens Blanco
- V. rotundifolia L.f.
- V. rotundifolia f. albiflora Y.N.Lee
- V. rotundifolia f. albiflora S.S.Ying
- V. rotundifolia f. rosea Satomi
- V. trifolia var. obovata Benth.
- V. trifolia var. simplicifolia Cham.
- V. trifolia var. unifoliolata Schauer
- English Common Name: roundleaf chastetree
- Chinese Common Name: 单叶蔓荆 dānyè mànjīng
- Japanese Common Name: ハマゴウ [浜栲] hamagō
- Family: Lamiaceae
- Genus: Vitex
- Distribution: Open sandy areas, usually near sea. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Hebei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Liaoning, Shandong, Taiwan, Zhejiang [Japan; SE Asia, Pacific Islands]
- Photo: 09/13/2014, Is. Nanji, Zhejiang
Shrubs, prostrate. Stems prostrate to creeping, rooting at nodes; branchlets silky tomentose when young. Leaves mostly 1(-3)-foliolate, sessile or short petiolate; blade obovate-spatulate, ovate-elliptic, broadly oblong-elliptic, or circular, 2.5-5 X 1.5-3 cm, abaxially velvety to minutely silky tomentose, adaxially usually pale dull green and pubescent, base attenuate to rounded, margin entire, apex abruptly subacuminate to rounded. Inflorescences terminal thyrses, 3-10 X 1-2.5 cm. Calyx cup-shaped, 4-5 mm, slightly 2-lipped, 5-denticulate, outside minutely silky tomentose and glandular, inside glabrous. Corolla purplish mauve to lilac blue, salverform, outside minutely silky tomentose and glandular, villous in tube and inside on lower half of large anterior lobe of lower lip. Stamens and style exserted. Ovary globose, glabrous, densely glandular. Fruit dark brown when dry, globose. Fl. Jul-Sep, fr. Sep-Nov. (Flora of China)
09/13/2014, Is. Nanji, Zhejiang