长白金莲花 Trollius japonicus
- Scientific Name: Trollius japonicus Miq.
- Ref: Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi. 3:6. 1876
- Synonyms: Trollius nishidae Miyabe, T. riederianus var. japonicus (Miq.) Ohwi
- English Common Name: Japanese globeflower
- Chinese Common Name: 长白金莲花 Chángbái jīnliánhuā
- Japanese Common Name: シナノキンバイ [信濃金梅] shinanokinbai
- Family: Ranunculaceae
- Genus: Trollius
- Distribution: Grassy slopes; 1200–2300 m. E Jilin (Changbai Shan) [Japan].
- Photo: Mt. Changbai, Jilin
Stems 20--60 cm tall, simple. Basal leaves 3--5; petiole 5.5--20 cm, base narrowly sheathed; leaf blade not green when dried, pentagonal, 2.7--10 × 4--10 cm, base cordate, 3-sect; central segment rhombic, 3-fid, with several lobules and small teeth; lateral segments obliquely flabellate, 2-parted nearly to base. Cauline leaves 3, similar to basal ones. Pedicel 2--6 cm. Flower solitary, or 2 or 3 flowers in a terminal cyme, 2.7--4 cm in diam. Sepals 5--7, yellow, green when dried, obovate or orbicular-obovate, 1.4--1.6 × 1--1.4 cm, several denticulate, apex rounded. Petals 9, linear, subequaling stamens, 6--7 × ca. 1 mm. Stamens 5--7.5 mm. Follicles 7--15, to 1.1 cm × ca. 3 mm; persistent style 1.5--4 mm. Seeds ellipsoid-globose, ca. 1.5 mm. Fl. Jul--Aug, fr. Sep. 2n = 16. (Flora of China)

Mt. Changbai, Jilin