- Scientific Name: Soroseris hookeriana Stebbins
- Ref: Mem. Torrey Bot. Club. 19(3):45. 1940
- Synonym: Crepis gillii S.Moore
- Chinese Common Name: 皱叶绢毛苣 zhòuyè juànmáojù
- Family: Asteraceae
- Genus: Soroseris
- Distribution: Alpine meadows, scree slopes, rocky slopes, alpine thickets, rock crevices in glacial streams; 2800-5500 m. Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, N India, Nepal].
- Photo: 07/21/2011, Mt. Taibai, Qinling
Herbs, perennial, with a long taproot, usually without cataphylls above root, acaulescent and rosulate to conspicuously caulescent with a solitary stem. Stem (if present) to 10(-20) cm tall, erect, hollow, distally glabrous or white to brownish pilose, leafy. Leaves lanceolate to oblanceolate, 2-9 × 0.3-2 cm, shallowly pinnatifid to runcinately pinnatisect or very rarely most leaves undivided, glabrous to pilose, base long attenuate into a ± winged or unwinged petiole-like portion, margin flat or undulate, apex acute; lobes ± triangular, margin entire or sparsely dentate, apex acute; upper leaves on stem gradually smaller, mostly ± pilose; uppermost leaves on stem subtending capitula and on peduncles reduced, linear, pilose or more rarely glabrous, margin entire. Synflorescence ± hemispheric, with numerous closely crowded capitula. Capitula with 4 florets. Peduncle usually shorter than capitulum. Involucre narrowly cylindric, (8-)10-15(-17) × 2-3 mm. Phyllaries usually dark green, mostly pilose; outer phyllaries ca. 2, similar to uppermost reduced leaves, mostly ± as long as to longer than inner phyllaries; inner phyllaries 4, glabrous or abaxially pilose along midvein. Florets yellow, sometimes with blackish corolla tube and ligule base. Anther tube and style blackish. Achene brown, subfusiform to very narrowly obconic, 4-5 mm, subequally ribbed, between main ribs usually with 1 or 2(or 3) secondary ribs, often shortly acutely papillose, base attenuate, apex shorter or longer attenuate. Pappus whitish to straw-colored and mostly ± grayish apically, (0.7-)0.9-1.5 cm. Fl. and fr. Jul-Aug. 2n = 16*. (Flora of China)