- Scientific Name: Paeonia × suffruticosa Andrews
- Ref: Bot. Repos. 6:t.373. 1804
- Synonyms:
- Paeonia × arborea C.C.Gmel.
- P. × chinensis Oken
- P. × fruticosa Dum.Cours.
- P. × moutan Sims
- P. × moutan var. albida-plena Sabine
- P. × moutan var. anneslei Sabine
- P. moutan var. carnea-plena Sabine
- P. × moutan var. humei Sabine
- P. × moutan var. rawesii Sabine
- P. × moutan subvar. rosea-plena Sabine
- P. × moutan var. rosea-semiplena Sabine
- P. × papaveracea Andrews
- P. × suffruticosa var. banksii (G.Anderson) L.H.Bailey
- P. × suffruticosa var. humei (Sabine) L.H.Bailey
- P. × suffruticosa f. maculata Hong C.Zheng
- P. × suffruticosa f. rubida Hong C.Zheng
- P. × yunnanensis W.P.Fang
- English Common Name: moutan, moutan peony, Chinese moutan peony, tree peony
- Chinese Common Name: 牡丹 mǔdān
- Japanese Common Name: ボタン [牡丹] botan
- Family: Paeoniaceae
- Genus: Paeonia
- Distribution: Cliffs; ca. 300 m. Native in C Anhui and W Henan; widely cultivated in China and elsewhere.
Shrubs to 1.5 m tall. Stems brown-gray. Proximal leaves 2-ternate; leaflets long ovate or ovate, 4.5--8 × 2.5--7 cm, both surfaces glabrous; terminal leaflets deeply 3-lobed, lobes again 2- or 3-lobed; some lateral leaflets 2- or 3-lobed, others entire; all lobes acute at apex. Flowers solitary, terminal, single or (in cultivated plants) double, 10--17 cm wide. Bracts 5, long elliptic, unequal. Sepals 5, green, broadly ovate, unequal. Petals (in single flowers) 5--11, white, pink, red, or red-purple, obovate, 5--8 × 4.2--6 cm, apex irregularly incised. Filaments pink or purple, white distally, ca. 1.3 cm; anthers long ellipsoid, ca. 4 mm. Disc wholly enveloping carpels at anthesis, purple-red, leathery, apex dentate or lobed. Carpels 5, rarely more, densely tomentose. Stigmas red. Follicles oblong, densely brown-yellow tomentose. Fl. Apr--May, fr. Aug. 2n = 10*. (Flora of China)