- Scientific Name: Nymphaea thermarum Eb. Fisch.
- Ref: Feddes Repert. 99: 388 (1988).
- English Common Name: pygmy Rwandan waterlily
- Chinese Common Name: 侏儒卢旺达睡莲, 温泉睡莲, 侏儒盧安達睡蓮
- Family: Nymphaeaceae
- Genus: Nymphaea
- Distribution: Restricted to Rwanda where the species is known only from one locality at the hot springs of Mashyuza between Bugarama and Nyakabuye at 1100 m
- Type: Rwanda, hot springs S of Nyakabuye, April 25, 1987, Fischer 170/87 (holotype MJG, isotype BUTARE).
Small plant with short rhizome up to 1–2 (−5) cm long.Leaves orbicular to suborbicular, glabrous, rounded, lobes with nearly parallel margins or overlapping, petiole up to 4–6 (–8) cm long, lamina 2.5–3.2 (–5) cm in diameter. Pedicel 1.5–3 cmlong, recurved in fruit. Flowers up to 2 cm in diameter. Sepals 4, greenish, 1.7–1.8 × 0.6–0.7 cm, lanceolate, rounded at apex, with 9–11 veins. Petals 6–8, white, 1.5–1.6 × 0.4 cm, linear-lanceolate,obtuse to rounded at apex. Stamens up to 16, with sterile rounded apex formed by the connective up to 0.1 cm long, outer stamens 0.9–1 cm long, inner stamens 0.5–0.6 cm long; anthers up to 0.4 cm long in outer and 0.15–0.2 cm long in inner stamens; filaments up to 0.5–0.6 cm long. Ovary eusyncarpous with 7–9 carpels fused at base, up to 0.4–0.75 cm long; stigma 0.2 × 0.1 cm, thickened. Fruit up to 1.2–1.5 cm in diameter.