- Scientific Name: Mesembryanthemum cordifolium L.f.
- Ref: Suppl. Pl.:260. 1782
- Synonym: Aptenia cordifolia (L.f.) Schwantes; Litocarpus cordifolius (L.f.) L.Bolus; Mesembryanthemum tetrasepalum Regel
- English Common Name: heartleaf iceplant, heart-leaved midday flower, baby sun rose
- Chinese Common Name: 心叶冰花 xīnyè bīnghuā, 心叶日中花 xīnyè rìzhōnghuā
- Japanese Common Name: ハナヅルソウ [花蔓草] hanadzurusō
- Family: Aizoaceae
- Genus: Mesembryanthemum
- Distribution: Disturbed places, coastal bluffs, margins of coastal wetlands, 0-100 m. Native to southern Africa.
- Photo: 06/18/2009, Xiamen, Fujian
Plants short-lived. Stems 3-6 dm; internodes 1-5 cm; often rooting at nodes. Leaf blades 1-3 × 0.5-5 cm, minutely papillate, appearing smooth. Inflorescences solitary flowers; axillary pedicel 8-15 mm. Flowers: hypanthium 6-7 mm; calyx lobes 2-5 mm; petals 80, reflexed, pink to purple (red in hybrid cultivar "Red Apple"), 3-4 mm; staminodia 50, erect, white, 3 mm. Capsules 13-15 mm. 2n = 18. (FNA Vol. 4)