- Scientific Name: Meehania zheminensis A. Takano, Pan Li et G.H. Xia
- Ref: Plants 9(9)-1159:9.2020
- Chinese Common Name:浙闽龙头草 zhe min long tou cao
- Family: Lamiaceae
- Genus: Meehania
- Distribution: Zhejiang, Fujian
- Type: Zhejiang(浙江), Tonglu(桐庐), Baiyunyuan(白云源), 2020-04-05, Pan Li(李攀) LP207976(Holotype: HZU)
Perennial herbs. Shoot erect, 10–40 cm in height. Stems tetramerous, slender and without stolons, puberulent throughout when young, and becoming rare or glabrous, densely hairy only on nodes.Leaves opposite, largest in the middle of shoot, chartaceous, petiole 0.5–5.0-cm long, become shorter toward apex shoot, sparsely hairy, blade cordate to reniform, 2.8–5.0-cm long, 2.0–4.5-cm-wide, base cordate, apex obtuse, shallowly crenate to undulate, glandular-dotted, scabrous on upper surface, sparsely pubescent on lower surface. Flowers March to June, solitary and axillary, opposite each other, 1 to 3 (to 7) pairs on upper stems. racteoles setaceous, 1–1.5-mm long. Pedicel 2–3-mm long, puberulent. Calyx tubular, bilabiate, 12–14mm long, 15-nerved, puberulent, gland-dotted; upper lip ca. 3-mm long, deeply bilobed, lobes deltoid acute. Corolla tubular, bilabiate, rose-purple, ca. 4-cm long; tube slender near base, abruptly dilated upward, glabrous; upper lip ca. 7-mm long, shallowly bilobed, lower lip ca. 10-mm long, trilobed, middle lobe largest, apex shallowly bilobed, bearing red spots in the center. Stamens 4, one pair of stamens bearing short filaments attached on the inside throat of the corolla, and the other pair with longer filaments attached on the bases of lateral corollas, filament glabrous, anther thecae with two locules, glabrous, pale purple. Style longer than corolla, stigma bilobed, pale red-purple, ovary four lobed, hairy. Nutlets narrowly ellipsoid, ca. 3-mm long, punctate-puberulent. Fruits April to July