- Scientific Name: Maianthemum purpureum (Wall.) LaFrankie
- Ref: Taxon 35:589. 1986
- Synonyms:
- Jocaste purpurea (Wall.) Kunth
- Maianthemum oligophyllum (Elwes) Karthik.
- M. pallidum (Royle) Karthik.
- Smilacina pallida Royle
- S. purpurea Wall.
- S. purpurea f. albiflora (Wall.) H.Hara
- S. zhongdianensis H.Li & Y.Chen
- Tovaria oligophylla (Elwes) Baker
- T. pallida (Royle) Baker
- T. purpurea (Wall.) Baker
- Veratrum hoffmeisteri Klotzsch
- Chinese Common Name: 紫花鹿药 zǐhuā lùyào
- Family: Asparagaceae
- Genus: Maianthemum
- Distribution: Forests, thickets; 3200–4000 m. E and S Xizang, NW Yunnan [Bhutan, NE India, Nepal, Sikkim].
- Photo: 07/16/2011, Mt. Sejila, Xizang
Plants 25--60 cm tall. Rhizome usually moniliform, 1--1.5 cm thick. Stem pubescent distally. Leaves 5--9, subsessile or shortly petiolate; leaf blade oblong or ovate-oblong, 7--13 × 3--6.5 cm, pubescent along abaxial veins. Inflorescence usually a raceme, occasionally with 1 or 2 branches, 1.5--7 cm; rachis pubescent. Flowers solitary; pedicel 2--4 mm, pubescent. Perianth white or sometimes tinged purplish; segments free, ovate-elliptic or ovate, 4--5 × 2--3 mm. Filaments ca. 1.5 mm, dilated to base; anthers small. Style nearly as long as ovary; stigma 3-lobed. Berries red at maturity, 6--7 mm in diam., 1--4-seeded. Fl. Jun--Jul, fr. Sep. 2 n = 36, 38*. (Flora of China)