- Scientific Name: Delphinium potaninii Huth
- Ref: Bull. Herb. Boissier 1:332. 1893
- Synonyms: Delphinium fargesii Franch.; D. potaninii var. jiufengshanense W.J.Zhang & G.H.Chen
- Chinese Common Name: 黑水翠雀花 Hēishuǐ cuìquè∙huā
- Family: Ranunculaceae
- Genus: Delphinium
- Distribution: Forests, forest margins, grassy slopes, meadows; 1100–3800 m. S Gansu, S Shaanxi, Sichuan.
- Photo: Wanglang, Sichuan
Stem 0.5--1.5 m tall, glabrous, usually branched. Leaf blade 10--15 cm wide, base cordate; primary lobes separate for at least 60% of blade radius; central lobe rhombic, 3-lobulate, distally few dentate, apex acute; ultimate lobules narrowly ovate; proximal leaves withered. Raceme 6--30 cm, 3--15-flowered, sometimes corymbiform, glabrous; proximal bracts sometimes leaflike, distal ones small, linear or subulate. Pedicels 1.5--9 cm; bracteoles borne at various points on pedicel, lanceolate-linear to filiform, 2--12 × 0.2--1.2 mm. Sepals blue-purple, abaxially puberulent; spur subulate, (1.6--)2.2--2.5(--3) cm, recurved, U-shaped, or spirally recurved; other sepals 1--2 cm. Petals emarginate, glabrous. Staminode limb obovate, 2-cleft, yellow barbate. Filaments glabrous. Carpels 3; ovary sparsely puberulent or glabrous. Fl. Jun--Sep. (Flora of China)