假还阳参 Crepidiastrum lanceolatum
- Scientific Name: Crepidiastrum lanceolatum Nakai
- Ref: Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 34:150. 1920
- Synonyms:
- Chondrilla lanceolata Poir.
- Crepidiastrum koshunense Nakai
- C. lanceolatum var. batakanense (Kitam.) Nemoto
- C. quercus Nakai
- Crepis integra Miq.
- C. integra var. pinnatiloba Maxim.
- C. koshunensis Hayata
- C. lanceolata Sch.Bip.
- C. lanceolata f. pinnatiloba (Maxim.) Makino
- C. tanegana Miq.
- Hieracioides integra (Thunb.) Kuntze
- Ixeris koshunensis (Hayata) Stebbins
- I. lanceolata (Houtt.) Stebbins
- I. quercus (H.Lév. & Vaniot) Stebbins
- I. tanegana (Miq.) S.Y.Hu
- Lactuca koshunensis (Nakai) Makino & Nemoto
- L. lanceolata Makino
- L. quercus H.Lév. & Vaniot
- Prenanthes integra Thunb.
- P. lanceolata Houtt.
- Youngia integra A.Gray
- Y. lanceolata DC.
- Chinese Common Name: 假还阳参 jiǎ huányáng∙shēn
- Japanese Common Name: ホソバワダン [細葉海菜] hosobawadan
- Family: Asteraceae
- Genus: Crepidiastrum
- Distribution: Rocky situations on hillsides in coastal areas. Taiwan [Japan, S Korea].
- Photo: 09/13/2014, Is. Nanji, Zhejiang
Herbs 10-20 cm tall, perennial, rosulate, with a woody caudex or rootstock. Stems several from rosette leaf axils, to 40 cm, decumbent, leafy, each usually producing a secondary leaf rosette at a node in its middle third and with a single or few ± ascending-erect remotely leafy secondary flowering stems. Rosette leaves spatulate to rarely elliptic, 5-15 × 0.5-4.5 cm, usually somewhat fleshy, undivided or more rarely pinnatifid to pinnatisect with ovate to lanceolate lateral lobes, glabrous, base cuneately attenuate, margin entire or shallowly dentate, apex usually rounded. Lower and middle stem leaves similar to rosette leaves but smaller, base semiamplexicaul, apex obtuse to acute. Upper stem leaves obovate to ovate, base auriculately clasping, apex subacute to obtuse. Synflorescence corymbiform, with few to several capitula. Capitula with 8-12 florets; peduncle slender. Involucre narrowly cylindric, 7-9 mm. Phyllaries glabrous; outer phyllaries few, ovate, longest ca. 2 mm, apex ± acute; inner phyllaries 8, apex subacute. Achene brownish, subfusiform, 3-4 mm, scabrid, apically attenuate or with a less than 0.5 mm beak. Pappus white, 3-4 mm. 2n = 10*. (Flora of China)

09/13/2014, Is. Nanji, Zhejiang