曲柄铁线莲 Clematis repens
- Scientific Name: Clematis repens Finet & Gagnep.
- Ref: Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 50:548. 1903
- Chinese Common Name: 曲柄铁线莲 qǔbǐng tiěxiàn∙lián
- Family: Ranunculaceae
- Genus: Clematis
- Distribution: Forests, on boulders, along streams; 1300–2500 m. N Guangdong, N Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan.
- Photo: 07/26/2012, Mt. Emei, Sichuan
Vines suffruticose. Branches slender, shallowly 4--6-grooved, glabrous or sparsely puberulous. Leaves simple, sometimes ternate, glabrous; petiole 1--5.5 cm; leaf blade ovate, ovate-oblong, or narrowly elliptic, 3--10 × 1.5--5 cm, papery, undivided or 3-lobed or -sect, sometimes ternate then leaflets subsessile, base subcordate, rounded, or broadly cuneate, margin sparsely dentate, apex acuminate; basal veins abaxially ± prominent. Cymes axillary, 1-flowered, glabrous; peduncle 0.7--3.2 cm; bracts linear to subulate, rarely elliptic, 2--6(--10) mm. Flowers 1.5--2.5 cm in diam. Pedicel slender, 2.5--8 cm. Sepals 4, yellowish, erect, ovate-oblong, narrowly oblong, or ovate, 1.2--2.5 × 0.5--0.8 cm, abaxially glabrous except for velutinous margin, adaxially appressed puberulous near apex, apex acute to ± obtuse. Stamens 1--1.4 cm; filaments densely pubescent; anthers narrowly oblong to oblong, 2--4 mm, abaxially pubescent, apex minutely apiculate. Ovaries puberulous. Style ca. 7 mm, densely villous. Achenes narrowly elliptic to narrowly ovate, 2.5--4 × 1.2--2 mm, puberulous; persistent style 3--5.5 cm, plumose. Fl. Jul--Aug, fr. Sep--Oct. (Flora of China)

07/26/2012, Mt. Emei, Sichuan