- Scientific Name: Biancaea decapetala (Roth) O.Deg.
- Ref: Fl. Hawaiiensis:K7. 1936
- Synonyms:
- Biancaea ferox (Hassk.) Tod.
- B. scandens Tod.
- B. sepiaria (Roxb.) Tod.
- Caesalpinia benguetensis Elmer
- C. decapetala (Roth) Alston
- C. decapetala var. japonica (Siebold & Zucc.) H.Ohashi
- C. decapetala var. pubescens (T.Tang & F.T.Wang ex C.W.Chang) X.Y.Zhu
- C. ferox Hassk.
- C. horrida A.Rich.
- C. japonica Siebold & Zucc.
- C. sepiaria Roxb.
- C. sepiaria var. pubescens T.Tang & F.T.Wang ex C.W.Chang
- Mezoneuron benguetense (Elmer) Elmer
- Reichardia decapetala Roth
- English Common Name: shoofly, Mauritius thorn, Mysore thorn, cat’s claw
- Chinese Common Name: 云实 yúnshí
- Japanese Common Name: ジャケツイバラ [蛇結茨] jaketsuibara
- Family: Fabaceae
- Genus: Biancaea
- Distribution: Among bushes on mountain slopes, ravines, plains, hills, by riversides; near sea level to 1800 m. Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam].
Climbers, with copious prickles. Bark dull red. Branches, rachis of leaves, and inflorescence with recurved prickles and pubescent. Leaves 20-30 cm; pinnae 3-10 pairs, opposite, with prickles in pairs at base; stipules obliquely ovate, apex acuminate, caducous; leaflets 8-12 pairs, oblong, 1-2.5 cm × 6-12 mm, membranous, both surfaces puberulent, glabrescent when old, both ends obtuse-rounded. Racemes terminal, 15-30 cm, with abundant flowers; rachis densely prickly. Pedicels 3-4 cm, hairy, jointed at apex so flowers easily fall off. Sepals 5, oblong, puberulent. Petals reflexed at anthesis, yellow, orbicular or obovate, 1-1.2 cm, membranous, base shortly clawed. Stamens subequal to petals in length; filaments compressed at base, lanate in lower part. Ovary glabrous. Legume chestnut-brown, shiny, oblong-ligulate, 6-12 × 2.5-3 cm, fragile-leathery, glabrous, dehiscent and thickened to a narrow wing along ventral suture when ripe, apex prolonged into a sharp beak. Seeds 6-9, brown, elliptic, ca. 11 × 6 mm. Fl. and fr. Apr-Oct. 2n = 22*, 24*. (Flora of China)