- Scientific Name: Acer nikoense Maxim.
- Ref: Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg. 12: 227. 13 No. 1867.
- Synonyms:
Acer maximowiczianum Miquel, nom. illeg. superfl.;
A. maximowiczianum subsp. megalocarpum (Rehder) A. E. Murray;
A. nikoense var. megalocarpum Rehder;
Negundo nikoense Miquel.
- English Common Name: Nikko maple
- Chinese Common Name: 毛果槭 máo guǒ qì
- Japanese Common Name: オオミツデカエデ(oomitsudekaede)
- Family: Sapindaceae
- Genus: Acer
- Distribution: Mixed forests; 1000-1800 m. S Anhui, W Hubei, Hunan, N Jiangxi, E Sichuan, NW Zhejiang [Japan].
- Type: Japan. In silvis subalpinis montium interiorum insularum Kiusiu et Nippon
Trees to 20 m tall, androdioecious, sometimes andromonoecious. Bark gray. Branchlets slender; winter buds conical, scales 5 pairs, pubescent. Leaves deciduous; petiole 3-5 cm, densely pubescent; leaf blade subleathery, abaxially pale green and pilose, densely so on veins, midvein sparsely pubescent adaxially, lateral veins 12-14 pairs usually impressed adaxially, with 3 leaflets per petiole; leaflet blades oblong-elliptic or oblong-lanceolate, 7-14 × 3-6 cm, margin entire or remotely and shallowly serrate with obtuse teeth, apex acute or rarely acuminate. Inflorescence cymose, 3-5-flowered. Pedicel densely pilose. Pistillate flowers: sepals 5, obovate; petals 5, oblong-obovate; stamens 8, glabrous; disk glabrous, extrastaminal; ovary densely pubescent; style glabrous; stigmas widely spreading. Fruit yellowish brown; nutlets flat; wing including nutlet 3.5-4(-6) × ca. 1.2 cm, curved inward and wings spreading at 90°. Fl. Apr, fr. Sep.(Flora of China)